Dr. Shiver

Bruno Carlo Oggioni, a.k.a Dr. Shiver, is a polyhedric and super talented artist working not only as a producer but also as a musician, songwriter, sound engineer and anchor man. He is also founder, C.E.O. and label manager of Art&Music Recording s.r.l., the biggest and most prestigious italian recording studios, operating as a record label and as a multiservice company working in the publishing/audio/video/web/educational and graphics field. Bruno was born in Milan on July 7, 1983 and he began to play the piano when he was only five years old. Even though during his early years he studied music with the orchestra director Daniele Agimann, Dr. Shiver is mostly a self- educated artist. He started his career playing Hammond organ, harp, keyboards, synthesizers and piano on some of the most

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