Raxer Sound

Raxer Sound

"Raxer Sound" is a Producer and DJ. This name came from a voice (don't even know who) that said "Raxer", that's why I added "Sound". Raxer was playing instruments since he was very young (3 years), for itself. Then, at the age of 4 started studying music. A couple of years later started with guitar classes and also, singing in a choir. Meanwhile, it was practicing piano alone at home. When Raxer was 9, he discovered "Garage Band" in the Mac of his mother, but nothing special, just adding default samples inside the program. Then, at 14, Raxer's got a computer with "Garage Band" and started composing EDM at home, in class (when the teacher was not there ;) ), well, in every place. It was only when he was

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